The Australian Family

My Australian family begins with my husband of 6 years, Heinz.

He is the best thing to happen to me
in a long time. Heinz and I met on the internet,
in a chat room. I was a mug,
and he wanted to help me get the full chat program
so I could see his tiger AV.
Well, we chatted, and things developed,
and here I am !
Heinz has two children by his late wife, Donna; Daryle,27, and Karen,23.
Both kids have been really great in making me feel welcome
and like part of the family.

Heinz & I at the wedding

Rachel, Daryle, & Karen

My Aussie family continues with my new in-laws,
all of whom have been extremely tolerant
of my ignorance and Yankee ways.
Heinz's Dad and Mum are Walter and Anna Schwarzburg.
His sister Irene and her sons Matthew and Andrew, round out the family.

Mum&Dad Schwarzburg, Irene, and Heinz

Deb Edwards is my sister-in-law at heart, if not for real.
She is the sister of Donna, and she and her family
have also been a godsend to me,
helping to keep me sane as I worry about this and that.
She has two beautiful children with ex-husband Dave McKenzie; Kimberly,19 and Adam,15.
She is married to Steve Edwards. Kimberly is in the Navy.
Adam is all boy, and especially enjoys his new bike,
and tooling around the city on it.

  Deb & Adam

My other new sister-in-law is Annette,
who is married to Marty Williams.
They have two children, Stacey and Jamie.
I don't get to see them as much as I would like to,
but they are always there in a pinch,
and for this I am grateful.
They have surely helped to make my transition to Australia a lot easier.

Stacey, Annette, and Marty Williams

Jamie & Heinz on Harley